• Education is a window to the world

    Taking your online and distance learning to new heights. Accounting, graphic design, business management and more...

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    Take the time to learn new skills

    Enjoy online and distance learning

    Get professional certificates

    Learn from the best teachers

    Move e-learning forward

    Would you like to start a new career? Or better yet, change or advance your current career path? Then sign up to our e-Learning platform where you can take courses from our partner institutions and independent instructors. If unsure on the course selection process, contact us for a free consultation and guidance.

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    Offline Courses

    Cant find the right online course? Then also check out the courses offered by our partner institutions on site

    Career Services

    To further support your career advancement, check out the extra services we offer.

    Skills Marketplace

    Have you completed your course work and would like to put your new skills to work from potential employers? Then sign up on our skills marketplace

    Mentorship Network

    Sign up on our mentorship forum in order to network with fellow peers and experts in your respective fields

    Top Categories

    We have over 100 courses available. All of courses have been designed by qualified and experienced subject matter experts to give you an interactive and enjoyable learning experience.

    eCampus Admin

    2 courses
    7 students

    Teacher Samuel

    1 courses
    5 students

    Featured Instructors

    We are here to help you share your knowledge to a wider reach of learners across the globe. Our mission is to improve livelihoods by increasing the uptake of Trade Skills courses.

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    Discover your future

    Empowering Learners to be all-round successful through formal and self-education.

    Self Taught Academy facilitates complementary programs designed to bridge the skills gap that learners from developing countries experience. The carefully curated programs via strategic partnerships offer our learners the ability to explore their areas of interest in order to discover their passion and consequently create a career path that would help them reach their highest potential as possible.

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